Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jurassic Park Survival Enhanced Edition

Jurassic Park Survival EE [ver. 7.2b]
Map maker: SaMmM
Map Type: Survival
Number of Players: 2-7(Coop)
Replayability: yes

Do you like dinosaurs, do you like warcraft ever imagined them together. Yes this map is about the well loved Jurassic park series. In this scenario you must survive, you must fend for yourself against dinosaurs of different kinds big and small especially the ones that are hungry.

A challenging map that requires you to think quick and play things smart since each second that goes by, the window of safety grows smaller and you do not want to be caught dead in these woods. You and your comrades have roles to play each one needed for success. Either a biologist, physicist, mechanic or a poacher. Each one designed for specific purposes since one cannot achieve the other. The area is split into different terrains with specific pros and cons. One terrain may offer quicker building production but pose a larger threat since bigger and tougher dinosaurs thrive in those areas. While a certain place spawn fruits for you and your friends to eat and make you stronger, much like ambrosia, but finding one is riskier the longer you stay to look for them.

Now the job that your character chooses allows him to specific perks, vehicles and/or items that will help repel or tame the dinosaurs out in the park. You are not limited to choosing more than one affiliation however resources tend to restrict you from doing so. Mechanics allows you to produce vehicles for scouting the lands for supplies. Vehicles are very important later on in the game when everything goes full blown apocalypse. Think of the mechanic as the job for mobility and swiftness. Poachers have accessed to weapons, specialized in taking down anything that moves and gets more gold than any survivor for killing. Pistols, machine guns, grenades are the tools of the trade of your Jurassic poacher eventually he will resort to traps using land mines and C4 explosives. Biologist relies on the science of genetic manipulation and dinosaur relations. Taming dinosaurs and using them as a cheap workforce, various mutations, health augmentations, damage modifiers make up for what the Biologist lack in fire arms and vehicles. The physicist rounds up the whole gang, has access to all turrets in the game, needed for an impenetrable base.  There are hints scattered around the map in the form of notes, tips include how to catch dinosaurs, cheap fuel alternative and the like.  

It’s a pretty good map although I find the pterodactyl model wrong, pretty sure pterodactyls did not have goatees.  

1 comment:

  1. I played the shit out of this map back in the day. J2, 60 min. Always a good time.
    One thing I never figured out was how to take one of those Jeeps that spawn naturally, if you even can.
