Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pain vs. Zombie

Pain vs. Zombie [ver. 2]
Map maker:
Map Type: Survival
Number of Players:  1-10(Coop)
Replayability: yes

Zombie survival maps have always been a favorite of mine to test fending off waves upon waves of undead, usually with a boss, hungry and wanting to eat your brain. These types of maps ranges from scour the city for supplies protect your HQ from the zombies, or just plain run and gun in an arena. Now this map is odd, since it makes use of anime characters (villains in fact) instead of the usual stock marine or soldier. A peculiar matchup of two contradicting worlds sounds delightfully interesting.

The map starts with you choosing from nine different characters. Each with skills suited to its title if you do not know whom to pick I’d suggest that you read the manga from which the characters are taken from since their skills range from summoning animals, unleashing flames into the battlefield and other craziness that changes the game. After you have chosen a character you get to pick a sword for your character, each sword has a unique skill bestowed upon it. Depending on which sword it can range from entangling the enemy, shooting bolts of lightning or scattering red lasers for immolation damage.

Game play is very fun and perky at times.  The zombies seem to attack in droves encircling your character the best advice would be to run and occasionally spam offensive skills. With each round the zombies grow stronger the mobs appearance don’t seem to change but they get tougher and harder to hit each time. Killing an enemy sometimes doesn’t work since they comeback a second time kind of redundant an undead becoming an undead. A quirk that may either save you or kill you is the high jump ability.  Its random and only occurs when your character is moving it could save you by avoiding a group of enemies or back fire by landing you in a group of enemies.

Some Bosses have traits that require strategies mainly they have ridiculous amounts of armor and they come in three along with normal zombies each round provides. Later in the game zombies develop ranged attacks, wind walk capable. And prepare to get swamped when they start summoning more of them. Eventually after killing everything that the game can throw at you, you will reach a boss who is tougher than anything else that you have faced.

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