Saturday, January 26, 2013


Map maker:
Map Type: Clear the dungeon
Number of Players: 5
Replayability:  yes

Every once in a while you find a map, that has no description on what it is about nor its creator, no goal set out for you to accomplish, not even a single skill description. People on this circumstance just try and play the game choosing a hero by randomly guessing what its role just by looking at it, you may get lucky and get a well rounded hero or you may get screwed over and get a hero that cannot do anything on the  battlefield.  It’s a very fun game albeit I cannot understand what is going on and there doesn’t seem to be any story.

I mean this map can  be a wonderful thing in itself, but I cant go willy nilly and rely on lady luck to save me every time we encounter mobs, especially boss mobs. But I digress this is a fun map to play just you and maybe a couple of your friends dungeon crawling, fighting monsters of every kind from scaly fishmen to the wretched undead. You will be overwhelmed at first thankfully your skills make your adventure easier every inch of the way. Venturing into the unknown armed with just your instincts and thirst for anything fun can go a long way in this map.

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