Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Fallen Paladin

The Fallen Paladin [v3.0]
Map maker: Artelium
Map Type: Campaign
Number of Players: 1
Replayability: yes

The map explores the events that transpired after Prince Arthas slays his father for the crown, of the destruction, the suffering that he inflicted upon Lordaeron and its inhabitants. The story is pretty linear but it is very fun at the same time without being dull and dragging.

The map begins with the player killing King Terenas, Arthas must escape lordaeron or face his demise in the hands of its people and the silverhand. Killing everyone that stands in his way, city guards women and children bear no difference. Arthas begins to lose any vestige of humanity he has little left. The maps just like a campaign cut scenes between the characters further deepening the story. The camera is lock onto Arthas preventing you from looking at anything else in the map and he walks the entire time like he was talking a stroll at the park. Coins are scattered around the map since killing enemies do not provide money for Arthas he must resort to finding these coins, there are also bits of cool information such as statues bearing Arthas name and how he will lead Lordaeron to is glory is quite contrary now.

Plus you gotta love the way Arthas walks nonchalantly, swinging the Frostmourne killing things like its just another day in Lordaeron.

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