Saturday, January 19, 2013

Angel Arena Gamble to Death

Angel Arena Gamble to Death[]
Map maker: Dark Gambler
Map Type: Hero Arena
Number of Players:3v3 6v6
Replayability: not so much

Angel arena type of maps usually feature a myriad of characters from towering bone armor plated winged demons to village women and the occasional crazy raccoon. The purpose of the game is to garner the most kills usually the desired number is 250, but in this version you need 1000 kills to win the game. You’re either fighting for God or the Devil (note: The deity you fight under is subject to change God can be represented by an Ironman model while the devil is represented by Chuck Norris). Choosing heroes in the game doesn’t have much guarantee in ensuring victory since one can kill a cert1ain enemy mob, there are chances that mob will drop his/her essence. Once a player has obtained an essence he can become the hero which that essence represents by simply going to an altar. But you will revert to level one once you use an essence. Every once in a while the game is scripted to give you some gold to help the players, it also has a system designed to protect the newly spawned from being mercilessly killed by imbalanced characters, a punishment system if you will. The duel system in place pits two players from opposing fronts seeing who is stronger faster, more cunning enough to survive.

The key to winning in maps such as this, as well as any other map that offers this, is to buy stats. Yes continuously adding the primary stat of your character well beyond what seems normal is key to paving the way for victory.

To lighten up the atmosphere Angel Arena maps usually offer different gimmicks for players such as special events, anime themed characters, unique mobs etc..

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