Sunday, January 20, 2013

Orc Gladiators

Orc Gladiators [v2.702d]
Map maker: OGem and Balduras
Map Type: Hero Arena, Coop
Number of Players: 1 - 10
Replayability: not so much, unless you can play with 10 people you game with.

Ever imagined that you were a gladiator in an arena full of blood thirsty creatures wanting to devour you and your comrades, did you imagine it in a warcraft setting? if you did it would involve a whole lot of running around and dealing cheap shots at the enemy. That is what Orc gladiators game play is for single player, if you like running around in circles for 30 seconds to save your hide while waiting for your spell to cool down you’re in luck because this is the map for you. However everything changes in multiplayer teamwork is essential to the players survival, a varied but dynamic and flexible roster is needed (tanks and nukers).

Making use of the environment plays a key role in surviving the onslaught of waves upon waves of enemies.  Using the tower for height advantage, exploding barrels to pack a punch for clustered enemies, use the rubble a maze to confuse the enemy ranks. Proper item builds helps too since the initial characters can withstand the damage and regenerate the chipped off health by running, this tactic won’t hold up in the later rounds. When the arena introduces range mobs you best have a plan prepared especially if the mob has a poison attribute.

These Orcs must not falter for in victory lies their freedom, while losing guarantees death,

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