Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lby 6.1

Lby 6.1-[ver???]
Map maker: Unavailable(
Map Type:  Castle Defense
Number of Players: 6
Replayability: yes

It is another map that focuses on defending a structure; this time around it’s the eye of Sargeras model on a stick. It’s the usual plethora of skill spamming utilizing team mate combos and what not. You don’t get much of a choice of characters in the game. You get what is assigned to you and just wing it. Even if you do not get a chance to choose; It is not that much of a problem the characters themselves can hold their ground.   

It features the usual shops of weapons, potions and tomes. A monster arena for quick money farming and a boss arena as well, it has custom models for bosses. And a more few things I haven’t really checked out.   

The Good

Custom models (pretty neat) Varying degrees of difficulty from defunct hp mobs to randomized character picks against mobs having HP nearly impossible to kill. Another thing that creators should be praised or and should be a standard in maps is the damage counter. You usually don’t see the actual damage a hero deals towards an enemy only critical hits are shown. This map lets you see the numbers in all its full glory with decimals and what not.

The Bad

Ive been having a string of bad luck lately. It seems that the maps that I find, well I cant see anything. Im relying on luck on what modes to choose and what characters to play with. Sometimes you win with an overpowered character but mostly you get smacked around; since you don’t know which item to buy or which skill to put in. The only thing I can seem to rely on is potions and tomes, anything else is a shot to the moon.

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