Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Zombieland [ver 1.1]
Map maker: Nafre
Map Type: Defense
Number of Players: 4-8
Replayability: Yes

A map where you take the role of a soldier (makes use of a marine model) that must fight off hordes upon hordes of the undead menace using what little time you have let to find a way out. Its best that you team up buddies since playing this on single player is difficult although not impossible. The map revolves around two things, defending the chopper and repairing it. There are specific points in the map where I guess you can salvage materials (lumber) to help you restore the choppers health.

A merchant provides you a myriad of weapons, armors and consumable items shake things up. You can choose to have weapons that either focus on speed or have a higher damage output. Or fill all of your equipment slots with all the armor you can find, taunt the zombies and have them chase you around. Or just firebomb/chemical bomb every zombie you see.

A simple job system is in place, thus making you choose whether you stay as a marine or turn into a scientist. Scientist can have two uses, give you health or restore mana quickly. And a spot on the map where you can earn instant money for items, if you survive though.

The Good
It’s a fun map that doesn’t let you, but wants you to actually cooperate with fellow team members so you can win and survive every wave thrown at you. And with each wave they grow stronger and tougher.

The Bad

The map is too small while nothing being wrong with small maps, I just felt that this map could’ve used more freedom for the characters to explore and scrounge up some stuff. One peculiar thing I saw was the zombies that spawn at night time, the one that are supposed to attack me seems to be mowing down the zombies that spawn at the graveyard.  Very exploitable.

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