Monday, April 15, 2013

Diablo Defense Survival

Diablo Defense Survival [ver 5.18]
Map maker: Rus|Verm
Map Type:  Hero defense
Number of Players: 1-8
Replayability: 7/10

Another defense map that is one of the hardest maps I have ever played. The game constantly throws enemy mobs at you, not giving you a seconds chance to even breathe. The variety of characters is amazing, allowing you to take the game on with any strategy you can think of off. Its really interesting having different archetypes of heroes such as sorcerers and assassins following different paths. Lightning based magic, Assasins attacking from the shadows or with a bow and arrow. It captures the appeal of the Diablo universe in its own unique way.

Teamwork is required to even progress thru the game and playing solo is a death wish. The map features items derived from the Diablo universe. Such things are the Horadric Malus, rare jewels Amethysts, etc. One thing that bothers me is I cant seem to find a courier for you. Defending on the frontlines while choosing which item to purchase aint easy. It gets harder when your character has to go back and forth, even if the game has portals that lead to the main base or an in-game command for easy teleportation for players. 

The Good

Where Do I start, the game forces you to be creative and at the same time make critical decisions that will either send you and your team mates to an early death or propel you to the next wave. The different classes of one job is a definite plus. You can choose whether you want so shoot balls of fire or send volleys of ice from the sky.

The Bad

There is not much I can say here, it is one of those few good maps that stand out from the rest. I would recommend people to play this game, even if you’re not fan of Diablo or haven’t played a game from the franchise. 

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