Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Protect The House!

Protect The House! [ver 2.6]
Map maker: PainRelievers
Map Type: Castle Defense
Number of Players: 5 - 10
Replayability: yes

It is another map with another structure to defend and more zombies to dispose. I couldn’t specify how important teamwork is, just to make it through the first wave. The premise is very simple. In the very exact middle of the map is your house and you must protect it from the relentless onslaught of undead creatures.

Player roles are split into a variety of jobs. Gunner, Firebat, Medic, Sniper, Engineer and the Gunslinger comprise the games roles. There is little to no difference between character classes. Some cant shoot as fast as the other characters but deal twice the damage. While some can act as mobile altars resurrecting fallen allies as they go. They all have one thing in common and that is they can summon buildings.

The game has two shops for you to purchase items and tomes. The tomes themselves don’t seem to do much, even if they do the effect is miniscule. The buildings that you can make range from basic upgradable towers, repair bots, barricades, bunkers and defibrillator units to shock your team mates back to life.

The Good

Fun, exhilarating and makes you act on choices that will either progress you and your team mates to another level or spell demise for everyone. Build towers and barricades upgrade them quickly or use your money to upgrade your character, adding more damage and health to fend off enemies.

The Bad

It’s a pretty quick game, once you get the tactics and strategy down. The game is over. The map itself is pretty small just a few shops with items that really doesn’t do much good. The game could benefit with more shops offering services such as mercenaries, consumables, and other things.

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