Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Zombie Assault Force

Zombie Assault Force [ver1.03]
Map maker: JaakkoAA
Map Type:  Defense, Survival
Number of Players: 2-12
Replayability: 8/10

This is one of my favorite maps to play. I just cannot get enough of it. It’s challenging, engaging and loads of fun to play, by your lonesome or with friends. You are split into two teams. There are different scenarios for you to choose. One mode requires you to outlive and outlast the other team, while another one wants you to pick a place to make your last stand. They all have one thing in common. The unrelenting assault of the mutated undead horde, that wishes to see you and your team mates dead. The intro is pretty sweet.

There are nine classes for you to choose, each with a unique load out of tools and skills that will help the team survive. There are little things that make the game a bit more special. For example the mechanics, you can loot houses/buildings and vehicles as well. Each house may give you a valuable item that can help but the catch is that while you are looting a timer appears. Your character cannot move until that timer has run out. You have to rely on your team mates to fend off enemies until you can move once more. There are also items scattered around the map,

The Good

Now the game makes use of ammunition if you run out of it, well you won’t last long in this game. The Arms dealer class can make ammo for the group, although it takes quite some time and a fair bit of mana. The Observer class can be used to scout ahead for enemies, valuable items, houses to ransack and people to rescue/recruit. Field Operations get to call for help. Detachment Commander gives morale bonuses such as speed and what not. Demolitions get to blow stuff up. The Scientist class examines the bodies left by the undead mobs and gets bonuses from it. The SAS marine can function as a tank for the team. Pioneers build barricades and other useful stuff. Medics heal and mend injuries all around. When facing enemies there is a chance that you will get injured. Once you are injured penalties occur. Decrease in movement speed is one of these penalties.

The Bad

It’s hard and the zombies themselves are unique, unique in a way that if something is in their way. They will launch themselves or their buddies in the air. The first time that happened I panicked and got mauled pretty easily. This is not a game I would recommend for beginners. When night falls, things get harder.

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