Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Defence of the Earth Hellfail

Defence of the Earth Hellfail [ver 5]
Map maker: -Captain-jaMe-
Map Type: Defence, survival
Number of Players: 8-10 Full house
Replayability: 8/10

This is by far the map with the most quirkiest game mechanic ever. You don’t get to choose your heroes the normal way with hero taverns. Where most maps showcase the heroes backstory along with his/her/its main stat attribute and role/s(Tank, Nuker, Support..etc). This makes you grasp in the dark. Choosing heroes on this game, like clicking the random button in any character selection. You don’t kow what you are going to get.

Let me explain. You have fourteen characters which are represented by a letter, yes a letter not a clickable icon but a letter(Q.r.f.g.b.n.m.c.a.i.p.s.i.ll). Its really unique and at the same thing frustrating. The characters themselves are unique since most of them are custom made or modded warcraft 3 characters. From a cool looking Snowman, a team fortress inspired flame loving Gnoll, a Gandalf rip off aptly named granny, and of course anime based female characters with big guns.

There are a whole lot of shops scattered around the 4 corners of the map. The items themselves are weird. Crabs that give a life steal effect. Chickens having attack speed boosts(aptly named KFC). This is one weird map.

The Good

I like it because it tries to defer from the norm of the usual defend and survive maps. Where you have heroes running around in circles, trying to outrun and gun enemies down. It is not like that at all. You need to find a nice spot where you can hole yourself. You should not clash with waves headon. Even a full house taking enemies on, will end with half the heroes dead. The other half are scattered all over the map. 

The Bad

Game mechanic is weird and not for first time players. You are thrown into a game where the creator doesn’t bother to tell you smack, aside from typing a code and exploring on your own. You are bound to lose a few rounds before you win against a wave.

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