Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Resident Evil Snow

Resident Evil Snow [ver3.4]
Map maker: Sthen
Map Type: Survival
Number of Players: 6-8
Replayability: probable

The plot of the game is simple. Your vehicle (in this case a helicopter) has crashed into a snowy area, you must now survive the inescapable onslaught of the mutated and dead things. Its just a run and gun type of thing. The problem in these type of scenarios are when you don’t have room to run around any longer. The main purpose of the game is for you to survive, other important factors such as strategic turret usage and vantage points such as higher ground. Guns play an important role. They modify the damage of the player, without ammunition a gun is practically useless. The player can opt for weapons that don’t require ammo, such as the drill weapon or plasma based weaponry. You can also go for unarmed combat with your trusty combat knife but you wouldn’t last 5 seconds against an approaching mob of enemies.

The enemies range from your usual undead guy to mutated spiders and other weird things.

The Good

The thing I like about survival games against zombies is the crawl stance. Although not featured in every game, you can find it in most. I like the fact that endless amounts of mutated creatures are coming for you yet you have the time to lay on the ground, shoot at em and crawl away. Its delightful. The variety of guns is a nice touch.

The Bad

You shoot them, they go down back to the ground. You reload and shoot them again. Certain times when you have to run a bit and circle around, then shoot them again. That’s all there is too it. You can unlock some rooms and gain the valuable items inside. But actually finding the keys is another different story. You might actually end getting killed looking for a way to unlock the rooms. Rinse and repeat everyone. 

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